Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Holding Out My Hands...

Lately, I've tried to start the day with a bit of scripture reading. I managed to get a daily reading e-mailed to me from the Greek Orthodox archdiocese. Sure, I could just pick up a Bible and read from it, but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? The readings tend to help sometimes as I contemplate them during a hard day of teaching. For those unfamiliar, my "teaching" job more resembles the job description of a general (or common foot soldier) than an educator.

Anyway, as I read today's epistle reading (from Romans 10), I came across this:

“All day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and contrary people.”

It's funny how the Scriptures can sometimes read like an autobiography. As I read this, I thought, "That's my job, in a nutshell." I continued my morning routine, not thinking about the passage again until I was driving to work. Then, as I stared into the sunrise, I thought, "Wow... imagine how God must feel, since that was Him talking and all..." It was a sobering moment. While I've spent the last three months putting up with an endless stream of nonsense, discord, and chaos, God has spent thousands of years putting up with our shit!

And, all the while, He is still holding out His hands, while I have nearly given up. Quite sobering.


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