Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Obligatory Post

The Thanksgiving Break really threw me off. A week off of work doesn't leave one with the urge to get things off one's chest.

Work pretty much sucks, and as another coping strategy, I'm going to continue a quest that I began in high school: I'm going to memorize The Raven. I never forgot the first two stanzas, although I was working on those nearly ten years ago. It'll give me something to do and feel like I am embarking on some sort of scholarly pursuit.

It's sad when you are a teacher by trade and yet you do not feel such a scholarship gap in your life that you have to create your own intellectual rabbit trails.

Such is my life.


At 12/07/2005 9:42 PM, Blogger AWG said...

Hang in there, friend. The Christmas break is nearly here. And just think how fun SC will be!

At 12/16/2005 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound depressed!!!!


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