Thursday, April 13, 2006


I can't think of any better tribute to this number than some 20 inch chrome rims! My brother was listening to this Ludacris song, "Roll Out," that says something about "rolling on 20s." While he told me that the song is old, I got immediately hooked on the phat jam and have been listening to it periodically all week.

After coming in from Tuesday's track meet, I didn't feel like getting new material together, so I scrapped my plans to focus on Montesquieu for the day and decided to review the material on John Locke and natural rights. It's good to review sometimes. It validates kids and makes them feel smart. Sometimes it's fun to go over something you already sort of know... especially when your teacher has a crunk Who Wants to be a Millionaire? game on PowerPoint. Basically, I just come up with 15 questions about the material, display them one at a time, and the kids shout out the right answer. The best part is it takes up a fair amount of the period and when it's time to make a test (I make all of my tests from scratch), I have a whole bunch of possible test questions in front of me, complete with multiple choice distractors!

Anyway, we had a good time and the day was pretty easy. After school, I found out that we had an offer on the house, so we went and met with our agent, countered the offer, and went out to eat some good Italian food. Then we got a few pieces of Tiramisu for dessert to go and brought it over to our friends' house. Interestingly enough, they had rented the infamous Brokeback Mountain. I figured since I didn't have to pay any money, I'd might as well check out the hype. While we only got through about half the movie before it was time to go home, make tests, and go to bed, we did catch the infamous "pup tent" scene. While it was nasty (one specific aspect of this scene was ESPECIALLY nasty - Michelle and anyone else who has seen it will know what I'm talking about) and quite gross, it wasn't as bad as I had expected. The scene had been hyped up so much that I kind of expected some sort of all-out... well, we'll stop there. A pretty mediocre film, overall, I think, although I still have not seen the second half of it.

My wife and I went home, got to work on our tests, and got to bed close to midnight. This was the first test I had made in quite awhile since I'd been teaching computers for half a year, but it felt good to make a test again. In a strange way, things seem to have come full circle in the last week... that's what I like about this day-by-day account - it's easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


At 4/13/2006 7:27 PM, Blogger Kay said...

"Roll Out" is one of the coolest rap songs EVER!!! (And I'm not a huge rap/hip-hop fan, either).

I was wondering, Feanor, because I heard this song today and thought of you, if you'd heard the newest Eminem song, "Lose Control"?

It features someone called Nate Dog or whatever, and he actually sings: "I get more a** than a toilet seat".

For some reason I thought of you, probably because you talk sometimes about that kind of music. It's sooo funny!

At 4/14/2006 10:30 AM, Blogger AWG said...

Any rap/hip-hop after 1994 isn't worth my time. So much of it is garbage.

At 4/14/2006 11:24 AM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Sweetbabyk - I'll try to listen to that song sometime.

AWG - I pretty much agree. Lately, I've been listening to The Chronic (1992). Man, that's some great stuff. You can't beat that old West Coast sound.


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