My wife and I actually slept at the same place last night for the first time in a few days. She had been staying with her parents, while I stayed at my friend's apartment with his strange black cat while he was on vacation. She decided to join me at my friend's place. The cat decided to let us sleep until 9:30 or so... much better than my first night when she started to get very playful around 5:15!
While yesterday included a small bit of stress concerning my former place of employment, today did not. Before 10:00, I got in touch with an accountant at the school district office who told me it was illegal for my check to be held for any reason and said that she would get my check sent to her office, then to me, or something like that. At first, she told me to call my school concerning my check, then I said, "I don't know if you've ever worked for [Name of Principal]..." at which point the accountant laughed quite loudly and after that she was quite helpful. Evidently, my principal told the folks downtown that I had not turned in my keys, which differs from the story given to me that there was a problem with my grades... blah. It was good to find a helping hand and know that I am now finally free of this nonsense.
This afternoon, my wife and I took a nap, and when I awoke, I began to notice that I felt different. For the past year and a half or so, my self-image has been clouded by a feeling of self-loathing, defeat, or whatever you call it. My experiences this school year have amplified this feeling, but it was there even the previous year when I began to get unhappy with things at work. For so long - especially since November when I decided to apply to grad school - I have been
waiting to take the next step with my life. This afternoon, I was hit with the realization that now, I am actually
taking the next step with my life.
We left [Name of City] this evening and made the first leg of our journey to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where a friend of mine is getting married on Saturday. After that, we'll be on our way to our new life and meetings with bank reps and the real estate agent.