Tuesday, June 06, 2006

SC Hotline

I've been back in South Carolina for about two days now and have had some down time. I took a friend's advice and checked out SC Hotline, a site that gives its readers a Drudge Report style digest much like The Dead Pelican does in Louisiana. Although I was born in Louisiana and have spent most of my life there - and however interesting people say Louisiana politics are or were - I really never gave a damn about what was going on. This is partly because I never really felt that the conservative movement had a voice in the state. Any attempt to pass something innovative like school choice seemed to be crushed by the special interests that rule that God-forsaken state.

Anyway, expect some posts concerning South Carolina politics in the near future. As far as my life goes, there's not a whole heck of a lot going on. While I planned to fill in some gaps of my last week of work, I've pretty much shaken the dust off my feet when it comes to that place. I hope that you readers understand. I'm looking forward, and on my horizon are the June 13th primary elections. Although I won't be able to vote, it's still going to determine who ends up on the ballot on November when I will be voting.

Here's another cool website that someone made: http://www.electionmania.com. The site is set up by Conservatives in Action. It's got a great cartoon with a boxing match between a Reagan Republican and a "RINO" (Republican in Name Only). Check it out!


At 6/06/2006 10:54 AM, Blogger AWG said...

Great site. I'll be sure to tell Chad at the Dead Pelican about it.


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