Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Today went by without much incident. The principal left sometime this morning and never came back. I gave the classes their fold, cut, and color study guides and 3 out of 5 classes completed them without much uproar. Second period was a bit rowdy, but that's my largest class (28), so a bit of that is to be expected. As usual, my third period just plain drove me crazy. Someone had some powder or maybe had gotten a hold of some chalk dust and they started slapping it onto each other. I wrote one girl up (same one that had been playing with the office call button yesterday) and five minutes later she was back in class. It seems that administrators are annoyed when students' behavior in your classroom affects them, but they don't seem to be too annoyed with the kid once they're referred to them... hmmm.

We watched an episode of The Office during my lunchtime class (we have a group that we keep for 25 minutes of "activity time" and 25 minutes of lunch). One kid actually thought it was funny. A few more were even willing to say, "Maybe it was a little funny." Perhaps, they're like Dean and just crave the British version.

After lunch, my day became a little more eventful, as I saw a headline that I never thought I would live to see: PENTAGON RELEASES 9/11 SECURITY VIDEO. In five years, the public has been supposed to take it on faith that a plane actually hit the Pentagon... even after our government confiscated any tape of the explosion from every surrounding building! Of course, I didn't read the mainstream media garbage. I went to Infowars.com and read this article. The thing is, the government would have never released even this sorry footage (sorry footage 1, sorry footage 2) if it were not fearing the gains that the 9/11 Truth movement is making. I admit that while I've entertained the notion that our government was actively involved in 9/11, something like this makes me absolutely sure that something is up! Why would it take five years to get even the slightest footage... and even if it were better, what would it prove in an era where any footage can be doctored?

The only thing that this footage release makes clear is the fact that for nearly five whole years, the public has not been allowed any disclosure concerning the Pentagon explosion... such great footage of New York, and none of the Pentagon. That makes so much sense, doesn't it? Anyone who has been on the sidelines... it's time to wake up! The evidence is strong that our government is a tyrannical one that kills people and hides the evidence in order to strengthen its own powers. I hope it's not true, but hope is all I have, because there is no evidence that I see that points to the government's version on 9/11 being true.


At 5/16/2006 5:01 PM, Blogger Thom Trahan said...

And did you notice, they only released like 2 more frames from the same camera that we've already seen? I like how they confiscated over 81 security tapes all focused on the same area, but we've seen footage from (i think) a total of four sources. Do I believe the president is at the center of this conspiracy? No, i do not. I do however, think he is party to it in one way or another, and should be investigated. I'd like to see his phone records! How many times do you think our fearless leader has been in communication with terrorists?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. History will either show that he was the most inept ruler in U.S. History, or it will show that he was the most sneaky, powerhungry ruler in U.S. History. I don't think future historians will be kind to this man's legacy. We'll be digging up secrets about 9/11 for many many years to come.

At 5/16/2006 5:21 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Well said, man! I, too, think that 9/11 was in the works before Bush even got into office, which puts him out of the center... possibly, he was like Truman with the atomic bomb - he got into office and they let him know it was in the works. Inept or extremely powerhungry... definitely one or the other, if not both.

At 5/17/2006 12:17 AM, Blogger AWG said...

More insulting bullshit from the sultans of spin. I look at this and I want to vomit. Do they really think we're going to choke this stuff down? I mean, really! And CNN's Jamey McIntyre, who said he didn't see anything at the scene back in '01, is now saying he found all sorts of stuff and is crowing about it on CNN. So, which time were you lying, Jamey?

At 5/17/2006 7:09 AM, Blogger Kay said...

I don't know what to believe about that. It's certainly fishy, and I do care...but I can't do anything about it so I am not sure how to respond.

I hope you are doing well, friend! You're almost FINISHED!
That has GOT to be exciting for you!

At 5/17/2006 3:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Do we know one another? By the way, I've read that there were several other recordings of the "crash" at the Pentagon, including one from a Sheraton Hotel and one from a gas station. Both were immediately confiscated.

(I didn't see much at all in the "new" tapes).


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