Thursday, May 11, 2006


I'm sorry for getting out of my habit of the daily "countdown" post. None of you know how thankful I am that y'all take a few minutes out of your day to see how I am doing. That really feels great to know that. Unfortunately, the closer things get to the move and my ultimate departure, the more difficult it becomes for me to derive any joy at all out of what I do. My teaching is lackluster, primarily because I cannot muster the passion and energy that used to be second-nature... so long ago. I've hit a bit of a rut, it seems, but with only four days until my week off to move and three days after that, I am convinced that I am going to make it.

I think that some of my students have noticed my impatience and irritability. One of my kids said, "You know what you need to do? You need to smoke a blunt and listen to some Soulja Slim!"

I've got the Slim if someone's got a blunt. LOL I love the various ways that kids express their concern. Sometimes, the things that sound the most odd are the most sincere statements of care from these kids. Okay, I may be stretching it a little bit, but I think the boy really was trying to be helpful. I'm taking tomorrow off to do some packing and close some bank accounts, etc., to get ready for the move. Perhaps, I will find a way to relax (and blog about non-work stuff) during this three day weekend.

God help me. St. John Chrysostom, pray for me, please... and any of you out there feel free to do so, as well.


At 5/11/2006 6:13 PM, Blogger dean r said...

ssssttttrrrreeeeettttcccchhhhhh, yeah. will start the prayers, hang in there

At 5/11/2006 8:06 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Hey, that kid was really expressing concern! (and on some level, I really do believe that he was.) LOL

At 5/11/2006 10:29 PM, Blogger Nerdanel_Istarnië said...

I do so understand what you are saying. Each of the days this last week have felt like a month. Lacklustre teaching or what! It has felt like someone unplugged me from the source of teaching energy :(

I will keep praying for you over the next couple of weeks. You have made it this far, will make it through! And I am going to miss your teaching stories too! look forward to student stories ;)

At 5/12/2006 7:17 AM, Blogger Kay said...

Dear Feanor,

I know you can make it. Your sense of humor probably helps.



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