Know anyone who wants to buy the road?
I'm the guy to talk to... I own the motherfucker!!!
It may sound a little extreme, but yesterday, we went to pick up our 24 foot U-Haul truck. I admit, I was a little nervous at first as I was backing it out, but once I got on the road, it was pretty obvious who was in charge. As I looked down at the peons driving their little cars below me... well, you don't know this feeling unless you've been there. I'm used to driving small cars around. Once I was comfortable, I called my friend AWG and said, "I'm Reginald Fucking Denny!" As long as I stay clear of South Central Los Angeles, my kingship of the road should be pretty secure. I'll be driving tomorrow (about to pack my computer now) and will have to be careful not to let that truck get to my head too much!
YEE-HAWWWW!!! I bow in the presence of the KING O FROD ;-)
Jeepers. You really do think a lot of yourself!!!
Good luck this week!!
drive safe and enjoy!
according to Andrew the gas gauge maybe not be trusted?...:)
Yes, I do need to go back and work a few days once I get my stuff moved. Michelle, you're a great reader... keep it up!
Yeah Dean, you're right. Feanor was with me when that happened.
Oh, my! I can get a superiority complex in a Land Rover! I couldn't be trusted in something like that.
Hope the move goes/has gone well. Those last couple of days back at school will fly by. Then freedom.....
I know just what you mean about looking down at the peons. I feel like that when I drive my mom's truck, even though it's only a Ford 1/2 ton. :)
Be careful, hon!
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