Every May, teachers in our parish get a bonus check from the school district. The money comes from some sales tax that was passed years ago. It's usually just tacked onto our check and direct deposited with the rest of our funds... but not this time. This time, it came in the form of a paper check delivered straight to [Name of School]. I got a heads up from a couple of friends on the faculty who told me that the principal planned to hold my check unless I came in for my exit interview or whatever.
Well, if that bitch thinks that I'm going to lose any sleep about $2,000, she's got another thing coming. For one, the district is legally obligated to see that I receive that money before it's all said and done. Secondly, my year of teaching at [Name of School] has made me into one patient motherfucker. I never could say that about myself before (the
patient part, that is), so I guess I have picked up a valuable trait from this stint of teaching in hell. I've never been a paycheck to paycheck kind of guy. If I get the money now or I get it in July or August, it doesn't make much difference.
You know, this sort of thing would have really pissed me off a year ago, but now, I just tend to lay back and let things roll. The Feanor who would have once stormed in and said, "You better give me my fucking money!" is not really the strong voice in my head, anymore. Sure, I thought about it and it would have been pretty funny, but it would have been playing right into the principal's hand. I'm through with all that shit and no sum short of a million -
tax free - will have my ass crawling back onto that campus. As Z-Ro the rapper says, "I'm not a ho." That shit can't fade me, bee-otch! (Sorry for all the profanity, people, I'm working it out of my system!)
I awoke this morning with none of the feeling of dread that usually accompanies waking up on a weekday, and I liked it... a lot. I'm free and it feels good... and it'll feel even better when I'm not homeless!