Saturday, December 24, 2005

Peace On Earth

There are two things that are immediately apparent from the above photo:

1. Secretary Rumsfeld has, evidently, found his true calling, and
2. The GI receiving his meal is not impressed.

It looks like it's going to be a Merry Christmas. Anyway, wishing all of my reader(s?) Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men (and women, I suppose), and all of that good stuff. With these people watching over us, who wouldn't feel safe?


At 12/25/2005 4:15 PM, Blogger AWG said...

Is that Rummy or the manager at a Steak n' Shake?

"Need a number 3 minus the mayo, pickles and chips on the side and make it snappy."

At 12/28/2005 1:10 AM, Blogger Vins Mouser said...


I can't believe you would even presume he looks like the manager of Steak-n-Shake.

If I was a manager their I would be insulted.

I think he looks more like a public school cafateria worker.


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