Sunday, January 29, 2006

80 days to... what?

I've got this little pocket calendar that I was given after the Christmas holidays that I use for my "countdown" until the end of the year. When I started the countdown nearly a month ago, I thought of it as counting down to my salvation, when all of my current troubles will be over. Since then, things have settled down quite a bit... every morning, I journey quickly to my isolated corner of the world, brush by my boss with a polite nod, and try to hang out in my space and avoid most folks for most of the day. For four weeks, it's worked, and I've avoided any major conflicts. We'll see if it keeps up.

Anyway, with things getting quiet, the countdown seems to mean something different. After 80 more school days, my life becomes a giant wild card and who knows what will happen? While the uncertainty carries some excitement, there is always that dread of the unknown. It's hitting my wife pretty hard, and I don't know how to handle it. I have a hard time listening to people share their fears. Although I'm supposed to be the man of the family, I often expect my wife to be the strong and reliable one in the relationship. How does one deal with another one's uncertainty and anxiety about the future when you are having enough of a time dealing with your own? I've never been good with the whole sharing feelings thing and I'm at a point now where I realize that I need to get good at it.

I suppose I've got another 80 working days (and counting) to figure the whole thing out.


At 1/29/2006 5:19 PM, Blogger Kay said...

How does one deal with another one's uncertainty and anxiety about the future when you are having enough of a time dealing with your own?

We are there too, the bf and me, but it's kind of a different situation. I don't know what to tell you, but if I figure it out, then I think you and I will both benefit from it. :) So if you figure out the answer to your question, please, please, please let me know.

At 1/29/2006 7:16 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Thank you both! I see that I am not the only one that struggles with this sort of thing. One thing's for sure... I'll definitely keep writing!

At 1/30/2006 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you knew that I would HAVE to comment!!!
Hold her tightly and tell her that things will be alright.

That is if you both have really sought out whether or not you are really supposed to leave town or if it was a knee-jerk reaction to things that happened at the first of the school year.

While I was unemployed after 15 years of steady pay checks, all I really needed was for my husband to hug me and confidently tell me it was all going to work out. God was in control--not me.

Just hug her and then let her talk. You don't have to "fix" anything. Just listen. Then hug again. Then tell her u love her.

I am serious. We just want our males to validate us and comfort us.

ok. enough lecture for the day.

At 1/31/2006 4:05 PM, Blogger dean r said...

one day at a time, ....try to keep the exciting feeling in mind more than the uncertain stress part. the best thing is you are together with someone regardless what happens.hang in there.....


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