Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Not even supposed to be here...

I started my day by reading a copy of a heated letter that my friend sent to some columnist at some paper in Oklahoma. The letter was really good until it got to the part where it talked about Benjamin Franklin, who - according to the letter - is on the $20 bill. I felt badly for my friend, who had worked so hard on that letter only to likely be ridiculed by the recipient for a lapse in judgment. Of course, I chucked a bit, too, but that's beside the point.

As long as my friend doesn't say anything about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor, I won't worry about him.

I had no idea who the real moron of the day was going to be. As I was preparing to leave, I couldn't find my keys, then ten minutes later realized that I'd put them in my jeans pocket the night before (obvious... I should have known something was up right there). After that, I went to work just like any other day, then got home to and checked my e-mail. The title of one was, "Where are you?" It ends up that there was a thing that I was supposed to go to at the district office (a paid day with no kids) that was TODAY when I thought it was going to be tomorrow! I might know enough about our nation's currency not to tell the bank teller that she still owes me $80 of my hundred, but it didn't help me to skip out of work to a more peaceful day downtown.

It reminds me of the movie, Clerks, where Dante is constantly reminding everyone around him that, "I'm not even supposed to be here, today!" Well, that's kind of like me, except I didn't know any better. (Ben Franklin probably thought the same thing when my friend placed him on the $20 bill!)

On the bright side... I've already asked for the day off tomorrow (when I thought this thing was) and I intend to take it!


At 1/24/2006 6:02 PM, Blogger Kay said...

Oh no!

I think I know who you are talking about.

Hope that you have a great day off tomorrow!

At 1/24/2006 7:23 PM, Blogger AWG said...

That was HILARIOUS, Feanor. I felt like Bluto, when I got your e-mail.

"Seven years of college down the drain!"


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