Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lord of the World?

Condi, are you attempting to grab the world by the balls?

The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, certainly thinks so:

"We are asking they step down from their ivory towers and act with a little logic," Ahmadinejad said. "Who are you to deprive us from fulfilling our goals? You think you are the lord of the world and everybody should follow you. But that idea is a wrong idea."

I tell you, on some level this guy is a total nut and a Holocaust denier on top of that (the pinnacle of nuts), but when you read the words that he quoted above - about OUR COUNTRY - anyone who loves freedom and respects the sovereignty of nations has to see some truth there. After all, who are we to say that we have a right to nuclear power and weapons and that other nations do not have a right to these luxuries that we enjoy so much? Who are we as a nation to stop any other nation from fulfilling its goals, as long as they do not violate our borders?! Why isn't Secretary Rice in Mexico dealing with the threat of illegal immigration? There's an issue that is much more pressing to our country.

There is no reason that we should expect Mr. Ahmadinejad to be our vassal, and certainly no reason to build some sort of joke UN coalition against the nation of Iran. Our nation did not want to consult the UN before we invaded Iraq. Why does our government seek to build a UN coalition against Iran now? It's high time that the UN is dissolved and the rights of sovereign nations are respected in full. We are a great nation, but we are NOT the lord of the world and if we proceed on this course, no one will want to follow us.

For the full article that I read, visit:


At 1/18/2006 8:54 PM, Blogger AWG said...

Guys, when you see Condi comin' at you holding her hand out that way -- RUNNNNNN!!!!!!!

At 1/19/2006 6:11 AM, Blogger Thom Trahan said...

she isn't going to touch my "weapons of mass eruption". I tell yew whut.

At 1/19/2006 6:21 AM, Blogger Thom Trahan said...

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At 1/19/2006 6:24 AM, Blogger Thom Trahan said...

oh, and on a certain level, i disagree with you, but on another level, i totally agree.

disagree: I think that SOMEONE should step up and make sure that crazies don't develop nuclear capabilities (especially those dang holocaust deniers).

totally agree: one solo country (especially ours, imho, our president might not be as crazy as Ahmadinejadingdong, but he's definitely not balanced enough to make the decision for the whole world.) should not be able to decide on their own that a country is incapable of handling nuclear material. The UN has proven itself ineffective in this regard, and should be phazed out, but I think the main problem is: what do you replace it with? Do we really just want to leave a vacuum there? Maybe there should just be one guy in charge of the whole world. and he'll have a nuclear missile attached to a satellite, in orbit over every country's capital city. I like that idea. I'll be that guy, vote for me!

All of that may be really confusing to read, but i just got off after a long night at the hotel.

Oh, and Feanor, you need to see the movie "Lord of War" with nicholas cage. It's pretty good. So is "the Constant Gardener". ;)

At 1/19/2006 7:57 AM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Yeah, I too am a little conflicted because this guy is definitely more than a little nuts.

As for the UN, once you phase it out, we still have embassies in any country that we share diplomatic relations with. We also have treaties like NATO, etc., that I don't have a problem with.

At 1/22/2006 7:26 PM, Blogger Kay said...

Right on, good sir. :)


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