Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Gangsta 4 Life

Yesterday, I made a quick pit stop in the student bathroom, and I saw the following message scrawled on the wall: "LTG 4 Life."

For those of you unfamiliar with the local vernacular, LTG stands for "Lower Third Gangsta." I used to see these commercials when I was growing up that said, "Nobody says, 'I want to be a junkie when I grow up.'" Evidently, some things have changed since the 1980s. Right beside those who are aspiring to be doctors, lawyers, and CEOs are those aspiring to be gangsters.

Hmmm... Does it pay better than teaching? How do the benefits and retirement plan measure up? 401(k)? The armchair gangsta pictured above seems to be doing okay.

Maybe I should consider a career change. ;)


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