Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Need God?

Hey... there's a great site that's advertised on the side of I-20 in Georgia:


I actually went to this site when I got to our hotel tonight because the billboard made me so curious. I kept trying to get out of the whole hell thing, but you just can't do it (if anyone figures out how to do it, please let me know!!!). It was kind of odd, because it asks you something about if you've ever told a lie, and I was honest... I've told a lie. Then, at the end, it asked me if I was concerned about hell at all and I clicked, "No."


Has needgod.com caused me to sin due to curiosity? If you are curious about something and you click it, even if you don't agree with it, is it still a lie, or is it not a lie if you're just trying to see what happens? I think the people at needgod.com need to think about this... Maybe they can put something on there that says, "In reality, I am concerned about hell, but I just want to see what happens if I PRETEND that I am not." My conscience would be a lot more clear if they would word it like this. I really don't want to go to hell... really... seriously, now. I'm kind of hoping for the whole heaven thing, personally. Reader(s), please let me know if I added to my sins or not.


At 12/27/2005 8:47 AM, Blogger Vins Mouser said...


I followed it for a little while. According to the site I was going to hell.

I think I figured out how not to get to hell but alas it concerned me so much I quit reading.

What I figured out through the quiet repetetive clicking and reading was you have to get saved.

Why couldn't they ask that question first? (Have you been saved?)

Like I said, I didn't follow all the way through but I think we were going to be encouraged to go to some church somewhere to get saved.

At 12/27/2005 3:41 PM, Blogger AWG said...

How presumptuous of them!

I went over to needcash.com and got the answers Bono couldn't give me.


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