Thursday, January 26, 2006

It's not your grandmother's search engine!

As a middle school computer teacher, I am constantly having to find ways to stay ahead of my students and keep them on task. In December, I thought that I had a foolproof plan, slaving away for hours blocking iTunes and most of the internet except for just a handful of sites. Although I like the Yahoo search engine, it is way too busy with the music, movies, and everything else it offers... it had to go. Google - on the other hand - has always struck me as a more basic tool and I picked it for its stripped-downedness.

I should have seen the handwriting on the wall last week when my friend sent me a link to a guy playing guitar on this Google Video, which I had never heard of. The guitar playing guy was sort of cool, but I never gave Google Video a second thought... evidently, just some place where people post homemade videos.

Today, about seven or eight boys from my seventh period class were standing around a computer looking at none other than... you guessed it, Google Video! When I arrived on the scene, I realized this computer had attracted the attention of so many of my fine young gentlemen:

That's not all... There are some great fights, too, and even the young ladies in my class could appreciate the raw footage of people beating the hell out of each other! Seriously, so many students had crowded around this one e-fight that I couldn't even get close enough to the computer to turn it off.

It looks like my kids have caught up to me yet again, and I will have to find another way to outsmart them. My assignment this weekend is to find a stripped-down search engine that does not include a striptease on the side.


At 1/26/2006 8:02 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

No problem... I take all comments great and small. For the record, it doesn't "show anything," but you're absolutely right, these kids could go home and say, "Look what we saw in class!"

You should see some of the fights they were watching.

At 1/26/2006 9:49 PM, Blogger Thom Trahan said...

this one cracks me up:
jeez, it's a long link, sorry for that. Oh, and there's cursing, be aware. It's a video of a kid playing Xbox Live online, and he forgot to turn his headset off... man, if my kids ever talked to me like that, it would be GAME OVER. FOREVER.

At 1/27/2006 10:37 PM, Blogger Kay said...

yikes! i wish i knew enough about this kinda stuff to give you advice. sowee!

At 1/29/2006 2:51 PM, Blogger Claire said...

Is that a tag? I think she's got her underwear on backwards? I couldn't finish watching it, dial up internet. There's an idea though: if the school downgraded to dialup it'd be impossible to watch that kind of stuff. :)

At 1/30/2006 2:53 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Great point, Claire! How can I read your blog?

At 1/30/2006 4:01 PM, Blogger dean r said...

what? pic and no link, gee thanks


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