Sunday, March 26, 2006

More on Dr. Howell

A full-text interview with Dr. Howell on his reasons for leaving Louisiana College can be found at the (Alexandria Daily) Town Talk website. I am quoting his final remark below, as I sort of feel the same way with my impending move:
It's not happy for me, not a happy occasion. I like Pineville, I truly do. I like the students here, I truly do. ... As you see, I'm somewhat emotional. I like the Alexandria community -- wonderful people. We have a great relationship with the community. We have great friends here. But I really have to leave. I have a teacher institute this summer. I'll do my bit for education, and then I'll take my show on the road.
May the road love your show, Dr. Howell! I sure loved it when it was in town!


At 3/26/2006 11:32 AM, Blogger AWG said...

How sad. Still, Howell has integrity. Can't say the same for the LC board, though.


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