Saturday, March 25, 2006

Conspiracy Theory

After yesterday's 9/11 Truth post, I am already being accused of being a conspiracy theorist. I suppose it's necessary at this time to clarify what a "conspiracy theorist" is in regard to the 9/11 tragedy. As I quoted Charlie Sheen below, even the person who buys the official story is a conspiracy theorist. In reference to the JFK assassination, you had folks who believed in a "conspiracy" vs. those who believed in the "lone gunman" theory.

When it comes to 9/11, there is no lone gunman theory. We all can agree that there was a network of people secretly plotting together. That's all a conspiracy is. The only question left is... WHO?

Sure, there are ways one can defend the Islamic terrorism theory, but it's still a conspiracy. However, although Islamic terrorism happens around the world on a nearly daily basis, it is usually a "lone gunman" or lone bomber kind of deal. Someone blows themselves up, or crashes a car into a building, etc. Never before or since can we find an example of Islamic terrorism involving such intricate planning as was involved in 9/11. However, we know for sure that there are elements in our own government who envisioned similar plans, the best example being Operation Northwoods.

We are all conspiracy theorists, here. Which conspiracy is the most credible? Let's not leave any stone unturned.


At 3/25/2006 2:15 PM, Blogger AWG said...

You're not a conspiracy theorist, you're a truthseeker! Don't let the dominant paradigm worshippers get ya down. You're joining a largely silent majority (but one that is becoming increasingly vocal) that is sick of the lies and corruption and deception. Too much is at stake here, Feanor, for us to sit idly by and allow the propaganda to wash over us. How anyone can accept the government line after all their failures and lies is beyond me.

At 3/25/2006 5:20 PM, Blogger dean r said...

blah, so how's the tracks team???


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