Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Apathy and High Hopes

I'm in the middle of day 3 of my new/old position as a social studies teacher. A lot of my co-workers tell me stuff like, "I can't believe she'd move you around again like that (this is my second intra-school move this year)," but really, I think this will work out for the best. No more do I have to worry about annoying sixth graders running around and making it impossible for me to show them anything. It's amazing how your stress level goes down when you are suddenly NOT surrounded by over $50 grand in expensive equipment and rowdy kids who don't behave themselves.

I spent the first two days setting up, and today I actually did a little review for a few minutes of some stuff we had studied first six weeks. They've learned little since I've been gone, so we're kind of picking up where we left off. It's not so bad... aside from an interesting incident where some student set a sheet of paper on fire, it's been fairly quiet and I'm managing to keep most everyone in their seats.

I've gotten a hold of a tablet computer and we've got flat screen monitors just installed in the rooms. I think I've got plenty to keep me occupied for the remaining 49 days of the school year. Track is going well, class isn't so bad, and I think I'd venture to say I'm content if not happy. I'll continue to proceed with a carefree attitude, facing the challenges at hand with apathy and high hopes.


At 3/15/2006 5:39 PM, Blogger Kay said...

I'll continue to proceed with a carefree attitude, facing the challenges at hand with apathy and high hopes.

I like that quote. :) Are you getting excited about the school year ending?

At 3/15/2006 5:54 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Quite excited... I'm sure after track season I will grow quite bored... While I'll miss many aspects of this year's experience, by and large it will be good to get it behind me.

At 3/15/2006 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apathy. Why apathy?? You know that some of them have wrapped themselves around your heart. Isn't that good enough---sometimes??
At least you're not out over $250 like our softball coach who bought uniforms for the APATHETIC students on the team!

At 3/16/2006 8:37 AM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Perhaps, I picked the wrong word, but it sounded good. It's kind of like the "new patriotism" that people talk about. I'm pioneering the "new apathy," a selective apathy where one is free to care about the things that matter most, but not care about those things that hinder so many people in this profession.


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