Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Democracy in Action?

I saw a disturbing article today about a substitute teacher who will be returning to work at an elementary school after having a sex change operation. It seems like the liberal, godless (or godsless, for some of my readers) agenda keeps marching on in spite of the protests of many god(s)-fearing Americans. This part of the article especially disturbed me:

After two hours of public debate and a private meeting with McBeth and her lawyer, the board took no action on calls by several parents to bar McBeth from returning to the school where she taught for five years before becoming a woman.

"It was magnificent," McBeth said afterward. "You saw democracy in action."

Okay, let me get this straight... several parents protest this person's employment and the board does NOTHING and this is "democracy in action?" To me, it looks like despotism in action, when the people find no voice in their elected officials who are supposed to represent their interests. Where is liberty when you have no control over whether your fifth-grader (or kindergartener) will be taught by someone who mutilates themselves and passes this on as an acceptable value?

Parents, it's high time to get your kids out of government schools.


At 2/28/2006 6:03 PM, Blogger AWG said...

You mean "MOBOCRACY!"


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