Thursday, March 09, 2006

The tide rushes in...

Yesterday, I noted the quiet in my life... due to my relaxed demeanor of late, this day has been pretty quiet, yet eventful at the same time. About halfway through the day, someone gave me a heads up that the principal was planning another set of switch-a-roos which would involve me leaving the computer lab and going back to social studies. This is the same thing my principal threatened to do back in December but it fell through. I thought she had just heard old news, but when my principal's carrier pigeon (a fellow staff member) came and told me that the principal wanted to see me before I left that day, I figured something was up.
Heart rate goes up, then I am reminded that I was to spend the last half hour of the day giving a lecture on economics to a friend/co-worker/(anonymous) READER's class. It had been quite a while since I had given a good lecture, so I was a little nervous, but I got there and it was great. A good time was had by all and I'm glad that I was able to see that I still have it in me to teach something.

Sure enough, the switch-a-roo was on and I just took it in stride and told my principal that I may be resigning after track season is over in mid-April... we'll see how it goes.

We heard from the principal that we interviewed with not too long after I got home. My wife is on his short list and she'll either get a job or a recommendation from him, which will guarantee her a job there or somewhere nearby. Of course, as I expected, I lack the relevant experience for the AP job that he had open, but I just wish he could have told me that when I interviewed and not wasted my time.

Having that out of my way, I e-mailed Clemson and told them that I'll be attending there next year as a full-time student. I got a pleased reply from the graduate co-ordinator and I'm quite thankful that the Lord has allowed me to glimpse a bit of my future... the immediate and not-so-immediate.


At 3/12/2006 8:45 AM, Blogger Kay said...

isn't it nice, when you finally get an idea of the things to come? ;)

At 3/12/2006 5:15 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Thanks so much, readers. Now that more has been revealed, I've got more to look forward to as I trudge through the short-term.

At 3/20/2006 5:05 PM, Blogger dean r said...

I HATE not knowing my future!! UGH, I hear you, but looks like the little pieces are falling into place. hang in there with work, I know you must do an awesome job no matter what class you're in. I hope you can make it past end of track season, seriously. ALthough again, I HATE change and the unfamiliar especially at work. good luck!


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