Friday, April 14, 2006


I had trouble finding a picture to go with this part of the countdown, then I remembered commercials for the breakfast cereal, Product 19. When I read up on it, the only reason this cereal got this name was because the executives at Kellogg's were having trouble naming the cereal, settling on the name because it was the 19th product they were working on that year. An "odd" number, this 19.

Numbers aside, this was a big day. I was giving my first test in six months, as I have not really had a chance to give a major test since I've been moved back to Social Studies. I put on a starched shirt and tie and a pattern sportcoat and even brought my glasses along. (I have 20/30 vision, so the glasses help, although I don't wear them as much as I should.) For the second day in a row, I rode to school with the windows down with some old Megadeth tunes blasting through the speakers. I find myself slipping out of the rap phase for the time being and going back to my metalhead roots... and I like it!

Once I got to school, I made copies of the test, checked my box, and actually arrived nearly on time to my morning duty post in the cafeteria. Each class period started with a quick review, followed by the fill-in-the-blank/multiple choice portion of the test, followed by a short one-paragraph "essay." The kids actually behaved better than I expected, by and large... don't get me wrong, not perfect, but not too, too horrible.

During my "planning" time, I received an inquiry about my house from someone at the district office (fingers crossed), then I was summoned to the principal's office to sign formal resignation papers so I can be properly processed out at the end of the year. My principal then proceeded to talk my ear off for 40-45 minutes about this and that person in Texas until someone else needed her and I was dismissed. Does this happen to anyone else? I mean, when your boss wants to talk for Lord knows how long about irrelevant shit and you have to listen because it's your boss?

At the very least, she was cordial, but it still would be nice if she'd make some attempt to retract or amend her viscious insults from December. Well, whether she does or not, 18 working days to go after this one...



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