Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Meeting

Pretty quiet day at work for the working part of the day... there was a lady from the district that came to observe me, but was really nice, introduced herself, wrote on a pad for about 20 minutes, and left. I was among the lucky ones, because most of the teachers at my school neither got a greeting nor an handshake. Evidently, most of these evaluators were not all that kind on the evaluations they filled out, either...

which brings us to the after school faculty meeting. Basically, we sat there for a full hour, hearing from our principal what a worthless bunch of teachers we were. Negative comment after negative comment was read aloud to us, with the occasional positive note being read once in awhile with about the same tone of voice as the negative. The comments were as rude as one teacher's classroom being labeled as "hostile." One dude said it was probably him and we all were ribbing him about it in the parking lot.

I got observed by the district person just today, so I knew that none of the comments were about me (my paperwork would not have been finalized yet), but it upsets me to see good people - my own coworkers - addressed so. The atmosphere suggested that I was not the only one who felt this way. You could feel the tension in the room... you ever been somewhere where a speaker infuriated the audience so much that some people got up and walked out? Well, there's always a time some minutes before that, where you can hear a pin drop, and the speaker is able to speak without interruption only because of the courtesy and decency of those listening. The speaker's hold is slipping, for you know that courtesy and decency will only allow one to suffer insults silently for so long...

An "expert/consultant" (whatever you want to call it) was said to have said that our school has a lot of teachers who are not motivated to teach... if he'd sit in one of our faculty meetings, he'd understand why.

78 school days remaining...


At 2/01/2006 4:54 AM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Yes, that's true. One of my buddies just got back from expulsion and I missed him terribly... seriously, I've got a way with some kids that nobody else seems to like!

At 2/01/2006 12:28 PM, Blogger Kay said...

I think that at a lot of places, the people in charge don't realize that negativity can mess with motivation...I learned that lesson first hand at my last job.

At 2/01/2006 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yoooo Hoooooo...I am in agreement that it was one of the most horrible meetings I have endured. The thing that saddened me more than the messenger was the message:
There are a large portion of our teachers who are not teaching effectively!! Truth does hurt and the ones arguing the loudest are doing so to take the focus off of themselves as one of the problems. Our little lambs did not become their lovely, apathetic, and uneducated selves overnight. The process had begun before we gottem and we have done little to try to help. I am including my self in the pot because there is always room for improvement in anyones job performance.

At 2/01/2006 4:34 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

I see your point, and can't argue with the fact that we have some lazy ass people on staff, but a good leader would END the cycle rather than contribute to it. I certainly wasn't motivated to work any harder by that... but, oddly, the kids keep me coming back every day (well, almost every day).

At 2/01/2006 5:43 PM, Blogger dean r said...

gotta love them teacher meetings, SHEESH! hang in there, the teachers who do care, I'm sure are doing a great service. spring break is coming.....


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