Monday, April 24, 2006

The 11th Hour

Christ is Risen!

My wife and I attended some great services on Saturday evening and Sunday morning for our church's annual celebration of Pascha (Easter). It's a beautiful experience, unlike any other in the world, though unfortunately, my brother and I had an argument before we left for the service and he didn't come with us. I was so down from the argument that on the way to church, I actually thought about not taking communion. However, the Lord changed my heart when I was hearing the Paschal Homily, originally delivered by St. John Chrysostom in the 4th or 5th century. An Orthodox priest is quite fortunate in that he doesn't have to prepare an Easter sermon... the same one has been given every year for at least a millenia, I suppose. The following excerpt really impacted me:
If any have laboured long in fasting,
Let him how receive his recompense.
If any have wrought from the first hour,
Let him today receive his just reward.
If any have come at the third hour,
Let him with thankfulness keep the feast.
If any have arrived at the sixth hour,
Let him have no misgivings;
Because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore.
If any have delayed until the ninth hour,
Let him draw near, fearing nothing.
And if any have tarried even until the eleventh hour,
Let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness.

For the Lord, who is jealous of his honour,
Will accept the last even as the first.
He giveth rest unto him who cometh at the eleventh hour,
Even as unto him who hath wrought from the first hour.

Often, I feel like the 11th hour worker, and it feels good sometimes to hear that God has room for us at the table, too. I accepted God's offer to renew my soul and felt better for doing so.

On Sunday afternoon, we had our annual parish picnic/feast, which is probably my favorite day of the year. When I was growing up, we just left church and went to eat with our family and took pictures, but I much prefer a large feast of grilled lamb, exotic Mediterranean sausages, etc.

When we got home, we found that my brother had already packed and left to return to South Carolina. I hated that he left without saying goodbye, but I suppose it had to happen sometime. It is the 11th hour in more ways than one, and I must get to work preparing for the 12th...


At 4/24/2006 5:19 PM, Blogger Kay said...

feanor, i so enjoy your blog. really, really. that is all that i have to say right now.

that, and andrew wanted me to alert everyone that he's been trying to post but the Blogger god is apparently angry with him (and he therefore is angry with Blogger) and so, no post from him today unless something changes.

At 4/24/2006 7:22 PM, Blogger Kay said...

Oh no, Michelle!

At 4/24/2006 7:38 PM, Blogger Kay said...

You are very welcome. If you will, indeed, be at CF, I am so looking foward to meeting ya--that might even be better than the concerts. :)

At 4/24/2006 11:10 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

You are Orthadox, correct? Perhaps the spelling is wrong there, but nevertheless. I am trying a different 'style' of blogging with my third person point of view. Hehe. :)


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