Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Today was pretty uneventful in and of itself. We wrapped up our coverage of Common Sense and I touched on the religion of Deism and made comparisons to Christianity. Some of the students were into it, and what I'm finding is that if I am insistent upon speaking and persevere through the first wave of disruptions, most students tend to either pay attention or put their heads down. I don't care what the "experts" say, a sleeping student is MUCH better than a disruptive one!

After school, I went and hung out at the high school track to talk to my athlete and watch him run an easy three miles. The regional meet is tomorrow and I'm hoping that he'll be ready for it.

Of course, day 16 is sort of a marker for me, as I started the "countdown" at 24, so the countdown is 1/3 of the way to being finished. Time is passing so quickly... I can't believe it's been a month since I took those boys to the student council conference! In another month, the bulk of my worldly goods will be sitting in a storage shed in South Carolina. Although time seems to move at a snail's pace sometimes, it seems to me now that time is moving quite fast.


At 4/26/2006 5:21 PM, Blogger dean r said...

hope it was a sweet sixteen.. he he
anyway, yeah I'm so unmotivated at work when the end is this close, I'm like, allright, get these four weeks over with, then SUMMER! BUt of course I have to fake it and keep really really busy to cancel out the students ultra ultra zone out want to do nothing attitude...

At 4/26/2006 6:08 PM, Blogger Kay said...

Awww, 16 candles! I love it.

I'm so lookin' forward to this weekend! It's gonna be a rockin' time! :)

At 4/27/2006 12:45 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I HATED Common Sense! Was just terrible! *New layout*


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