Friday, April 28, 2006

Athletics Wrap-Up

I left at mid-day to go to the regional track meet. I arrived there around 12:30, but the field events were backed up and my athlete did not even run his race until after 4:00. It was kind of boring, but a poem from Shel Silverstein that I recited in fifth grade, which ended, "I'd rather do hurk than go to work... Hurk, hurk, what's hurk? I don't know, but it must be better than work!" So, the moral of the story is, although I was bored, I only worked half a day.

My athlete ran a great race. Those of you who have been following have seen his time come down from 5:03 to 5:01 and finally to yesterday's... [DRUMROLL]... 4:57!!! The head coach and I were so proud. He lost steam at the end, but ran such a good race until that point that he set a personal best. He placed 8th at the regional meet and, thus, will not be at state, but he is still on the way up and this new time will put him in a position to walk on to the team at the university next year. Unfortunately, I was unable to stick around to see him run the two mile race, because I had to attend our school's athletic banquet.

The banquet was quite a show. There was plenty of good food, and we all had a great time giving the kids their awards. Most of our athletes showed up for the event. A good time was had by all... well, almost all. The only downer was that there were about five teachers who showed up to eat and then left before the awards ceremony. Many of these are the same teachers who are "too busy" when there's a school dance that needs to be chaperoned. It just seems like college-educated folk would have more sense and/or courtesy than to do something like that. Some teachers did stay to support the kids, though, and for that I am thankful. (And if Tnonymous is reading, you're totally wrong in your guess of who stayed and who left!)

I got home just in time to watch a great episode of The Office, after which I made Friday's test and went to bed. It was a fine day, overall.


At 4/28/2006 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh---u wrong fa dat!!!!
I wish I could have been there. I was at the media center with ole Norvella and my fellow science teachers. ye haa. I wonder just WHO stayed and WHO left?? Do tell..........


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