Saturday, February 04, 2006

Am I really so useless?

The past few days have been relatively quiet... I've completed another week of work with only 75 more work days remaining... and 16 days of sick leave that I'm free to use whenever... so maybe 59?

Who's counting anymore? I obviously am, but I don't find myself viewing my work with the same sense of dread that I had previously. Although I feel like I work a job that is useless and see myself as accomplishing very little of worth, I have begun to think, "Perhaps, this is... normal?" Often, I have found myself thinking along the lines of, "You are doing nothing with your life and everyone else is doing these great things," when I should be thinking more like, "You are doing nothing with your life and neither is anyone else!" When I ask myself what a really important job is, my first reaction is a position of power, like, let's say, the president. But the way Dubya is governing, I begin to think that we'd be better off without a president. What could be more useless than making decisions that get a bunch of people killed and ruin many lives?

As for me, I have not injured anyone in my line of work, and I don't think that I have ruined anyone's life... nor made them look like a freakin' idiot! (Well, maybe I've done the last part a few times, but those kids did not need any help from me.)

So... next time I drive away from work, I will congratulate myself on ruining ZERO lives during my shift.


At 2/05/2006 10:27 AM, Blogger Kay said...

"You are doing nothing with your life and everyone else is doing these great things," when I should be thinking more like, "You are doing nothing with your life and neither is anyone else!"

I do this too. And yeah, I noticed Autumn's picture. That is a very suspiciously placed glass of wine, isn't it?

I love the Napoleon pic. He's my hero. :)

At 2/05/2006 1:19 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

sweetbabyk: Napoleon? Hero? Scary!

Michelle: I don't think that teaching is useless AT ALL... but teaching in public schools with the numerous interruptions and countless layers of red tape can feel like it, sometimes. At the end of the day, I've done very little to educate people, but at least nobody was hurt!

At 2/05/2006 1:52 PM, Blogger Thom Trahan said...

Dude, it is so good to hear someone say that. I feel like every day is a day that I wasted working at the hotel i'm at. I try to tell myself that I'm doing the world a service by providing affordable high quality shelter for those in need, but... I'm an educated person, and that little mantra doesn't really cut it for me. I do however keep a smile and a good attitude up all day, with everyone, my housekeepers (who kick serious ass in the rooms) and my maintenance guy (a wise man once told me, no matter what job you're in, make it good with the maintenance people, the secretary, and the janitors, and you'll succeed... maintenance people will always be glad to move your furniture, secretaries will get you your messages on time and place orders for office supplies, and janitors.... well we all know what ketchup smells like if they forget to get your trash for three days in a row.) anyways, like all of my posts, i ramble on. Just got off of work and all that. So keep it real, man. You know that phrase: Show me the hottest woman in the world, and i'll show you a man who's tired of her crap."? the same thing goes for jobs i think.

At 2/05/2006 2:02 PM, Blogger Fëanor said...

Nothing like a good hug and a good rant... thanks, y'all!


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