Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Back to life

We got home last night at a decent hour, having made the drive home from South Carolina in 10 hours and 55 minutes. We were shooting for less than 11 hours, and made it just in time. We were inspired by an episode of The Adventures of Pete and Pete where Petes' dad is the "King of the Road." The man had an obsession with "making good time." One thing I learned is that it's a good way to stay awake... over 11 hours, we never switched drivers and I never got tired.

Back to work today... 67 days remaining... The transition "back to Earth" was not as awkward as I thought. My wife and I are looking forward to the possibility of getting the jobs we interviewed for, but I realized that my students entertain me and I can do this in the meantime while I wait. The possibility of teaching history again is re-awakening the sleeping scholar in me. This evening, I've been reading in Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws and thinking of ways that I can use it one day in my classroom. It's been a long time since I've taught history... even longer since I've taught it with passion... and I'm enjoying the return of my inner fire.

Interestingly enough, Montesquieu postulates that colder climates are more likely to produce free people, noting that so many empires have been near the equator... not that I totally agree with it, but it is easing some of my reservations about the South Carolina climate being colder than what I'm used to. Instead of imagining myself "freezing," I can imagine myself "freeing!"

Yeah, I'm full of crap, but I'm enjoying my book!


At 2/15/2006 5:52 PM, Blogger Kay said...

You wrote: even longer since I've taught it with passion... and I'm enjoying the return of my inner fire.

Doesn't it feel great? :) I don't have so much experience, but doesn't it feel good when a part of you kind of comes back to life? It's exhilarating!

At 2/15/2006 9:31 PM, Blogger AWG said...

Be sure and let us know what happens, Feanor! Good to hear from ya tonite!


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